Web Accessibility

Find best practices, resources and training opportunities for all things Web ADA here on this page. Have questions or need more help? Contact Communications and we'll point you in the right direction. Throughout the project we hope to set accessibility goals and we will need your help and support.


Alternative (Alt) Text
One of the most critical yet often missed components of online accessibility is alternative (alt) text. Describe the image, figure, etc. with as much detail as you would if you were describing it to someone over the phone.

Rich alt-text should be used to describe maps as well. (for example: if it's a CRA map, provide as much description in the alt-text box for the map) 

Accessible Documents (MS Office, PDF)
FREE e-learning courses are available through Siteimprove Academy, our team's e-learning resource for web accessibility onboarding and training. Recommended modules for content providers include:
  •  Web Accessibility Fundamentals
  • Formatting, Images and Tables
  • Creating Accessible Documents
  • WCAG 2.1
Need an account or help navigating your account? Contact Communications.
Social Media Accessibility
General Accessibility Guidelines
Automated Testing Sites
  • WAVE: WAVE is developed and made available as a free community service by WebAIM. Originally launched in 2001, WAVE has been used to evaluate the accessibility of millions of web pages.
  • NVDA: NVDS is a free screen reader designed to help visually impaired people to use computers. It supports a range of applications, and offers multiple ways for making text-based digital content available to people who ordinarily have trouble reading screens.

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