Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles (EVs) are increasingly popular and while the market for EVs is still small, it is growing rapidly and this trend is projected to continue. The use of EVs instead of internal combustion engine vehicles helps improve air quality, fight climate change, reduce noise, and foster green economic development, among other benefits.

The City of Largo is supporting this transition by installing multiple public EV Charging Stations (EVSEs)  and implementing an EV Readiness Ordinance. Largo's new City Hall is a working example of this ordinance and will offer multiple public charging stations and EV-Ready parking spaces.

View some of the most common electric vehicles and facts and myths, including information on their true environmental impact, available range, and safety. 

Quick Links


Curious about owning an electric vehicle? View some of the most commonly asked questions and answers

Developer Resources

View resources for developers in the City of Largo, including installing, owning and operating public and private EVSEs

Find a Public Charging Station

View the Largo Sustainability Map to find a charging station near you

Population Size


Largest City in Tampa Bay

Acres of Park Land


Largo Businesses