Frequently Asked Questions about joining the City of Largo

Please see our list below of the most commonly asked questions regarding the annexation process.

Don't see your question answered here? Please don't hesitate to contact us.

What is Annexation?

What is the Annexation process?

What benefits do I receive by submitting an annexation agreement?

What do the following terms in the Annexation Agreement mean?

Why does my Annexation Agreement have language on City sanitary sewer service if I am connected to Pinellas County sanitary sewer?

Can I email the Annexation Agreement to staff?

Once I turn in the Annexation Agreement, how long will it take to begin trash service?

Will I receive a copy of the Annexation Agreement?

I've received a letter in the mail telling me my property is being annexed, do I have to do anything?

Is there a way to estimate the difference in annual taxes and fees before and after annexation based on my property information?

What taxes, fees, and services change after annexation?

What does not change after annexation?

How can I request an annexation agreement? Who can I speak to if I have more questions?